How to create session Logger or how to get the session id?
>> Monday, May 30, 2011
To create session logger We need Logger from apache.
look at the below example
we will get log4j proreties from
after that
The following are the HttpSession Methods
was created, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970
the identifier assigned to the session.
session's application layer data.
layer data objects bound into the session.
invalidated and removed from its context.
created by the server, but the client has not yet
acknowledged joining the session.
application layer data with the given name.
10.) removeValue(String)
Removes the object bound to the given name in the
session's application layer data.
session will be kept by the host server.
look at the below example
we will get log4j proreties from
after that
import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator; import javax.servlet.*; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class SessionLogger implements HttpSessionListener { private Logger log; public SessionLogger() { /* * The loggers are typically initialized by a special initialization * listener or servlet. If this is not the case, then initialize the * logger here: * * java.util.ResourceBundle bundle = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle( * ""); * PropertyConfigurator.configure(bundle.getString( * "log-configure-path")); */ log = Logger.getLogger(SessionLogger.class); } public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) { //log request of the INFO level"HttpSession created: " + se.getSession().getId()); } public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se) { //log request about session's that are invalidated"HttpSession invalidated: " + se.getSession().getId()); } }
The following are the HttpSession Methods
1.) getCreationTime()
Returns the time at which this session representationwas created, in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970
2.) getId()
Returns the identifier assigned to this session. 3.) getLastAccessedTime()
Returns the last time the client sent a request carryingthe identifier assigned to the session.
4.) getMaxInactiveInterval()
to return session time-out in seconds
Returns the context in which this session is bound.Deprecated.
5.) getValue(String)
Returns the object bound to the given name in thesession's application layer data.
6.) getValueNames()
Returns an array of the names of all the applicationlayer data objects bound into the session.
7.) invalidate()
Causes this representation of the session to beinvalidated and removed from its context.
8.) isNew()
A session is considered to be "new" if it has beencreated by the server, but the client has not yet
acknowledged joining the session.
9.) putValue(String, Object)
Binds the specified object into the session'sapplication layer data with the given name.
10.) removeValue(String)
Removes the object bound to the given name in the
session's application layer data.
11.) setMaxInactiveInterval(int)
Sets the maximum interval between requests that thissession will be kept by the host server.
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