Difference Between Final,Finally and finalize()?
>> Monday, May 23, 2011
1.It is a modifier applicable for classes,methods and variables.
2.for the final classes we can't create child class that is inheritance is not possible.
3.Final methods can be overridden in child class.
4.for final variables re-assignment is not possible.
1.It is a block associated with try,catch .
2.The main objective of finally block is to maintain clean-up code, which should be execute always.
1. It is a method ,should be execute by the garabage collector,just before destorying a object
1.It is a modifier applicable for classes,methods and variables.
2.for the final classes we can't create child class that is inheritance is not possible.
3.Final methods can be overridden in child class.
4.for final variables re-assignment is not possible.
1.It is a block associated with try,catch .
2.The main objective of finally block is to maintain clean-up code, which should be execute always.
1. It is a method ,should be execute by the garabage collector,just before destorying a object
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