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By using java technology how many types of applications can we design?

>> Tuesday, May 31, 2011

By using java technology we are able to design two types of apllications
1.)Standard-alone application
2.)Enterprise Application

Standard alone Application: These are the application which are designed without using client-server Architecture.
They are of two types
1.)Command User Interface:  These are the application which will use command prompt to provide input and get output.
2.)Graphical User Interface:  These are the applications which will use Graphical components to provide input and to get output.

Enterprise-Applications: These are the applications which  are designed by using client-server Architecture.
They are of two types.
1.)Web Application
2.)Distributed Application
1.)Web Application:These are Application which are designed by using client-server architecture ,and they are designed not to distribute there logical over n.o of machines in the network.
                The purpose of this applications are to  generate dynamic response from server to client machine.  EX:C.G.i,servlets Jsp's ....

Distributed Application: These are applications which could be designed  by distributing there logic over n.o of machines in the network.
    The main aim of this applications is to provide distributed communication between local and remote machine.EX: E.J.B, R.M.I


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